Poor Julius! I had to rush him off to the vet last night, and he was admitted. I took him to the vet about ten days ago when his face swelled up on one side. The vet thought it might be an insect bite and so administered antibiotics and anti-inflammatories, and told me that the swelling should go down. If it didn't, I was to bring him back for further investigation.
The swelling did go down, but over this past weekend it started up again. We planned to take Julius to the vet today, but his face continued to swell yesterday and his demeanour changed markedly, so I got him into the clinic just after the vet office closed. One of the vets kindly waited for me instead of charging me after-hours emergency fees.
Poor Julius was running a bit of a temperature. The vet thinks J most likely has an abscess at the root of his tooth (you can't actually see anything amiss in his mouth), so he's having an extraction today. It is possible something more dire is going on but the signs all point to dental issues, so fingers crossed that the dental surgery will do the trick. If you could spare a good thought for my orange kitty today, that would be great. He's ten years old and a very good kitty! I could tell he was not feeling well last night and was in pain, so I just want him to be back to his normal self asap. We miss our fluffy orange boy!