"Psssst, Chef Nick, the hens and me, we've been talking. In Sicily, chicks are more dangerous than shotguns. But the girls and me, we kinda like you, even though you dishonour us by talking about turning us into tikka masala or potpie or Buffalo wings. So Nick, cuz we like you, we're givin' you a little warning. Watch your back! It's not personal. It's business.

"Ya remember Happy Wombat Boy? What did we ever do to make him treat us so disrespectfully? If he'd come to us in friendship, then that scum that ruined his omelette would be suffering this very day. Instead, the Happy Wombat Boy, he laughed at us. He joked about how tasty the girls and me would be served up as kebabs with tzatziki sauce. He debated with you the merits of charmoula sauce atop fresh poultry. We liked the Happy Wombat Boy, but he just didn't know when to stop..."

"If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone. Especially if there are eleven of you with sharp claws and beaks. Remember that, Chef Nicky!"

"I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Chefs and children can be careless. But not hens."

"As you can see, the Happy Wombat Boy, he got his just desserts, so to speak. I don't like violence, Nick. I'm a layin' hen; blood is a big expense. But sometimes a hen's gotta do what a hen's gotta do."

"Don't ask me about my business, Daddy-Gordon! What's the matter with you? Is this what you've become, some Hollywood finnochio that cries like a woman just because your friend was pecked to death by chickens?"
"We like you, Chef Nick. Watch your back. We don't want this to happen to you!"

"Henrietta,whatsa matter with you? I think your brain's goin' soft. … Never tell anybody outside the family what you're thinking again. Nobody here but us chickens!"