Finally finished a knitting project! Thank you, thank you. Gordon already has one of these
hats, but he went out and bought a blue and black parka that didn't match his green and brown hat (that I finished LAST February), so at his request I knit him another one. I am so DONE with this pattern!!!!! Next I am going to finish the beaded alpaca lace scarf I have been knitting for myself since last year, from a kit
Dephal kindly sent me. It's about time I finished knitting something for ME.

Here it is, all perky-like.

Wait! Let's cram it on Gordon's head while he's concentrating on his Wii game. Probably it would look better if I had arranged it instead of
cramming it. He has a touch of
Mr. Conehead going on. Note the zombie-like gaze of Gordon's Wii-obsessed eyes. Actually, he looks a bit like the stoners at my high school. If only he had work boots and a lumberjack jacket, c. 1980!
(Note: Mr. Gordhead is not a stoner. The closest he gets to that is a beer with his pizza, or his annual glass of port.)This morning he spent three hours in the woodlot with his forester friend, learning how to use his chainsaw safely. The two of them had a blast and came back looking all happy and sweaty. I fed them homemade soup and cornbread. They had cut down some unsuspecting (and diseased) white pine tree. On their next date, I mean, outing, they are going to have a campfire back there and roast weenies. I'm pretty sure girls aren't invited. Manly men stuff, you know!
I did a limb- and digit-check when they got back. Gordon didn't cut off any body parts. Hooray!

I think Tristan makes a better hat model, don't you?

Yesterday, Tristan got tired while we were out snowshoeing and decided to lie in the snow. Sophie was too lazy to go around him, so she just waited there until he got up again.
Knatolee - you crack me up!! Love your knitting project - Tristan looks so dapper! Glad the chain sawing is going okay! My hubby has been talking about some trees that need "knocking down" around our cabin. I may hide his chainsaw!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I loved that article about Allan Mackie! His log homes look like they belong right in the woods - and I love their style! Thank you again for sending this to me!
And doesn't Allan Mackie look incredibly good and fit for his age??!! I guess if you keep making log homes by hand, you'll stay fit into your 80s. I couldn't get over him! (And the homes were nice too.) Glad you enjoyed it, Shelley. I thought it was a neat article.
ReplyDeleteI think I should hide Gordon's chainsaw unless his buddy Jim is around to babysit him...
Nice hat!!! This was such a funny post!
ReplyDeleteSo glad I found your blog...I should have figured you would have one, you're such a talented writer. Amongst so many other talents, I might add.
Not too many of my IRL friends know about mine...Aud does, but has never ventured there. So beware, should you enter LOL!
This is so much fun catching up!
It is GREAT catching up!!! ANd thank you so much for the lovely compliments. :))
ReplyDeleteBEAUTIFUL HAT!!! It looks so soft and warm. and it really looks good on Mr. Handsome! ....looks great on G too ..HAHAHHAHAHHA
ReplyDeleteS and T are so adorable usual. and MAN do you have the snow!! Lordy Moses.
and nice that G hasn't lost any vital parts so far with the chainsaw. It's good of you to let him express his manli-man-ness.
Hi Again Knatolee! Marvin has a special message for Naomi tomorrow on our log cabin blog and would like you (and Naomi!) to visit!
ReplyDelete:-) Thank you!
I definitely like the hat on Tristan better!
ReplyDeleteDoes Gordon not care for his new hat? I think it looks great. I admire you, for knitting and finishing stranded knitting! The pups are adorable.
ReplyDeleteoh yes, Gordon loves his new hat! But I tried it on Tristan first. :)
ReplyDeleteMonika. I like stranded knitting but it's too bad I'm so slow. Well, it's not that I knit so slowly, but I have a horrible tendency to put my knitting down for extended periods of time! :) I wish I could knit as productively (and beautifully) as you do!
Beautiful hat! And colour knitting, too. Impressive.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Freshisle! :)) I value compliments from you, and Monika, since you are such great and prolific knitters.