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I call it "Late Summer Afternoon with Adidas and Hen"

Henrietta getting down and dirty.

The dirt bath: natural parasite control!

Henrietta and Cupcake enjoying a dirtbath while they destroy our lawn. Oh well, grass is over-rated anyway! (Actually, there was a groundhog hole here, so the destruction had already begun.)

Cupcake resplendent.

Is she not a fine example of chickenly gorgeousness?

Henrietta, queen of the flock.

"Where are my mealworms?"

I like the "waving comb" action on this one!

Oh look! It's the Gordfeeder.


This is what we do for fun on a Sunday afternoon in these here parts.

Yolkie and Gordon, sharing a moment.


Zombie chickens ate his brain!

See how relaxing chickens can be?

Iridescent feathers!
I think you can see why it kills me to think of hens living in battery cages on factory farms, and why I am so happy that we have our own hens so we know where our eggs come from. I fully support backyard chickens. If you look after them
properly, they do NOT stink, do not attract vermin, and are no trouble. Without a rooster, the noise they make is minimal and in fact adorable. I love listening to the girls "talk" amongst themselves.
I can sit in our coop for an hour and not be bothered by any smell. Sure, it is chicken-scented, but there's no acrid ammonia stench. We use the
deep-litter method and it works very well. The whole coop is screened with hardware cloth and we don't have a rodent problem, unless you count the chipmunk who ran in through the open door!
Backyard Chickens is a great source for info on keeping your own chickens.
If you can't have your own chickens (clearly not everyone can!), try to source out eggs from hens that are kept humanely. I am lucky to live in a rural area where lots of people keep free-range chickens, but even in a city, you can find good eggs if you look around enough. They may not be cheap, but cheap eggs
cost us all in the long run.
Right, lecture over. Henrietta and the girls thank you. Have a chickenly day!