Man, I hate it when life interferes with my blogging! Sorry about the dearth of posts. I took this photos September 3rd, before the first frost...

One of my honey bee girls on yellow coneflower.

An enterprising bee drinking water off my wet dog, Tristan! Can you see her little pinkish-red tongue?

A lovely monarch butterfly on the coneflowers.

Honeybee getting a drink at the bird bath.

Another butterfly, but I'm too lazy to look up the type!
Happy autumn. The little chickens have been integrated with the big chickens and all is going well. Pictures to follow.
By the way, I'm curious... who among you likes raw, unfiltered honey? There seems to be a specialty market for it so we are thinking of keeping some of our honey unfiltered (or just barely filtered) because apparently it's a specialty item that way. I am wondering just how many people prefer raw honey (I do!)
Happy autumn. The little chickens have been integrated with the big chickens and all is going well. Pictures to follow.
By the way, I'm curious... who among you likes raw, unfiltered honey? There seems to be a specialty market for it so we are thinking of keeping some of our honey unfiltered (or just barely filtered) because apparently it's a specialty item that way. I am wondering just how many people prefer raw honey (I do!)