Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Look who's back!

It's Warren, aka Vern, the old fart duck of Upper Canada Village! (When we got him last fall, I was told his name was Warren, but apparently his real name is Vern. Long story.) He's about five years old and has a flipped wing, but that doesn't stop him.

Judging from the state of his feathers, I'd say he's just finishing up a moult.

And he came with his wife Louise! Last spring, I gave Louise to the boys who own Warren and they both spent the summer at the Village, no doubt having the time of their lives.

They've been out exploring the garden today.

Louise is looking lovely and healthy!

Meanwhile, Hannibal felt the need to get his groove on...

...Bianca played hard to get while Karène sauntered by nonchalantly.

Duck nooky is not pretty. Hannibal looks particularly ungraceful here. Karène has quickened her pace.

Hannibal got his girl in the end, and Bianca submitted.

Hannibal knows he's devastatingly handsome!

The green balls are black walnuts that have just fallen from the trees.

Handsome devil! But quite the Lothario. He's not choosy about who he seduces. Sometimes it's Bianca. Sometimes it's Eugenia. Sometimes it's my extended arm. Or leg. What can I say? I'm alluring to drakes...

Anyway, welcome back Warren/Vern and Louise!


  1. Aww. They are beautiful.
    When we lived in the cottage by the lake there was one female and four drakes. She was popular. And limping before too long..

  2. For one minute I thought you were going to say that Vern flipped the bird once too often, the wind blew and his wing stuck.
    Jane x

    1. Well, you know, it's possible that's what happened! :)

  3. "Duck nooky is not pretty", I love it!

  4. Did I just watch an X-rated movie:-D!

    1. That whole barnyard is a daily x-rated movie! Growing up in suburbia, I had no idea there was so much sex on a farm!! ANd parents worry about the internet. Hmpf!

  5. Such pretty Muscovys. He sounds very frisky. Loved your post.

  6. They all look very smart. My three hens are probably the scruffiest ever; a disgrace to chicken-dom!

    1. My hens are looking pretty shabby right now. A bunch of them are moulting, a couple have bare spots on their backs from too much rooster love.... it ain't pretty! :)

  7. Having spent a week picking up wagon loads of walnuts, that picture overrides all the duck nooky ones! ~ Maureen

    1. Really I should be doing something with all those black walnuts! I'm so unmotivated. But the squirrels clean them up for us!

  8. What fun to watch their social maneuvering.
    Lucky ducks.

    1. I like that, "social maneuvering." :)))

  9. Awesome like ever!

  10. WHERE did you say Hannibal got his girl? Oh, never mind. Great pics!

    1. Hahahahaha! Yes, sometimes those double entendres are intentional, and sometimes i'm just clueless! :)


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