My sad, feeble brain can't recall whether or not I posted these horse pictures before. I don't think I did, but I'm too lazy to look. Anyway, we've been taking horseback riding lessons, western style, and it's fantastic!
Gordon loves Bonnie, aka Bon Bon.
I love Ella. Her legs are green because she'd been dressed up as an alligator in a parade the night before.
Now before you freak, yes, I wear a helmet when riding! I use one of the instructor's, but I've now ordered my own. This was my brief "Risk death for a photo op" moment, okay? :) Not the first time I've sat on a horse without a helmet, but I'm wearing one all the time now.
We both love horseback riding! I've wanted to take lessons for a couple of decades. It's too bad I waited so long. And Gordon's a natural! This is a place where his constant state of muscular relaxation is a big help for him. I get tense and think too much!
Ella is a great horse!
And I took a selfie while trying on helmets at the tack shop. I like the brand name on the tag, ha ha!
And when not hoofing it, we like paddling. We went out on Lake St. Francis (St. Lawrence River) again last week. Another beautiful evening...
A giant container ship cruised by! Eventually the wake hit us. Fun!
Gordon drifts past the Glengarry Cairn.
It's getting dark earlier and earlier... sigh. We can't kayak until 9 pm like we were earlier this summer!
Hope you are all having a Labour Day weekend.