A few pics for you on this Sunday evening...
Annuk LOVES her daddy. Annuk is one of our Greek kitties and she's a real sweetie pie. I am thinking of Greece and my friends there. The situation in that country is quite dire right now which makes me sad, as it's a lovely place filled with lovely people. I hope things can be sorted out without too much suffering.
On a brighter note, the pond we had dug last year is going really well!
Here's one of the inhabitants...
A lovely Green frog. The pond is filled with frogs and fish already!
And here's my sweet Missy...
...with bologna tongue!
And my Greek girl Honey...
...just being sweet.
And that's not a bird in the birdbath...
It's my Greek girl Daisy!
Speaking of Greeks...
...Archie came to sit with me when I took a break from barn chores the other day! He is excellent company.
And these two Greeks...
...really like each other! Annuk and Honey... even though they are a year apart in age and never met each other in Greece, they act like they have known each other forever. They came from the same dump, where they were discarded as kittens. I wouldn't be surprised if they were related in some way.
And oh look! Feeding time at the zoo!
Outside, clockwise from bottom left: Redford, Buttercup, Honey, Daisy, Annuk, Emerson, Mootie and Pie. In the middle is Archie on top and Missy on the bottom! To think this is only 2/3rds of our cat population. :0
And speaking of cats...
We are having a stone wall built across the back of the garage and a new herb garden put in there. The cats think the newly-dug out area is the bestest litterbox/kitty playland EVER!
Archie loves it!
He's a real cutie.
Speaking of cuties...
...I adore this donkey!
And I like this donkey too...
(The bearded one!) Frozen hot chocolates (which I guess makes them cold chocolates!) at our favourite restaurant here, The Quirky Carrot in Alexandria.
And we had some hay delivered last week...
Pony and donkey food!
Pip wasn't too sure what to think of the barn door closing!
And somebody got himself a cowboy hat at the local tack shop...
Have a great week! It was like autumn here today, 15C and rainy. Ugh! Hard to believe it's nearly July!