Monday, January 23, 2012

A post devoid of kitten!

Sorry, sorry, more kitten action coming, but I have some catching up to  do first!

The kitties got a cool toy for Christmas. It clamps over a doorway and a little fuzzy toy hangs down for the cats to bat at.

Naomi loves it!

Two paws up! (Literally!)

Meanwhile, check out the FANTASTIC bargain I got at Sears on central vac bags...

Yes, that's right...

Regular price: $9.99. Deeply-discounted sale-o-rama bargains-galore price? $9.94!
Gee, how will I spend that five cents I saved?

Meanwhile, Julius is calm, cool and collected (and I have since tidied up my desk!)

And here's what we saw Saturday on our way to visit our godson outside Montréal...

Well, no, you can't turn right on a red light on the Island of Montréal, but that's not it.

THAT'S it.

A super-deluxe ice-fishing hut.

On its way to Montréal on a trailer, about eight inches off the ground at the back, with insufficient brake lighting. But hey, it's got windows and a woodstove and vinyl siding and what looks to be a nice kitchen counter and cupboards. I'd say "Only in Canada", but I'm sure you can see similar scenes in colder parts of the USA. Minnesota or northern Michigan, perhaps?

We were peeing ourselves laughing over that one, all while feeling very unsafe being behind it.  Gordon passed the ice-fishing hut and we made it to see our godson.

And my friend Ronna gave me the world's greatest lip balm back before Christmas:

Contains no chicken poop, but does contain:

Avocado oil, jojoba, sweet orange, lavender essential oil, bees wax, and Vitamin E.

That's it for today. More kitten coming soon!


  1. What a great-looking fishing hut. I saw a lot of them on the river near my place this past weekend. T'is the season! Some of them are quite luxurious and I often wonder how much actual fishing gets done.

    1. I would be scared spitless of the hut falling through the ice! I'd made an anxiety-ridden ice fisherwoman!

  2. What a fun post! Laughing my heart out here. You have such a great sense of humour! I see that Québec will not give in and bilingualize names of its streets and roads. Hard to believe that when I grew up, you had to know English to shop on Ste-Catherine St. Now store-owners pay a fine if they put one English word on their window signs! So I hear...Nevertheless, great city and great people. Proud of my roots!

    1. Oh Claude, Montréal is still very unlingual, although on the way in I saw a store called "Le Baby Shop"! That just sounds like cheating to me. ;) I love Montréal.

  3. Love the fishing hut on the move - was there anyone moving around inside it, preparing bait or making tea? Any smoke from the chimney?

    1. Not that I could see, but you never know what really goes on in those things!!

  4. That does look like a great toy. We need one of those with these two kittens here.
    Love the Chicken poop lip balm. And the ice house does look really scary. And more scary, it probably made it to it's destination just fine but I would have avoided it too.Thanks for the great laugh today. Take care.

    1. It wasn't looking particularly roadworthy!!!

  5. Anonymous9:07 am

    $0.05 off? How does one walk away from a bargain like that?!

    Julius looks way too comfortable. And the fishing hut ... that would really suck if the owner lost that pretty little house on a speed bump. Fun photos!

    1. Well, I just couldn't, CogDis. I brought those babies home with me. I even bought two bags, so I actually saved TEN CENTS!

      The roads in Quebec (not to mention the bridges) are ATROCIOUS. The infrastructure is crumbling. In our last year of living there, I did $2000 worth of damage to my car's suspension just driving on potholed roads. I'm amazed that ice-fishing hut didn't fly off the trailer right there on the highway!

  6. Chicken poop lip balm? That's certainly a ... creative marketing strategy.

    1. It is, isn't it? Surprisingly it smells great -- lavender and orange essential oil!

  7. Thanks for my daily laugh!
    That is some deluxe fishing hut! Not like the ones around Lake Champlain. They must spend more time drinking beer than fishing.....wait!...maybe that he/she didn't have tailights and proper clearance!

    PS. Imagine this conversation over cocktails: Why are your lips so rosy? Whatever do you use? Chicken Poop, my Dear!

  8. One day I am going to venture into an ice-fishing hut. THere are lots on the St. Lawrence River down near Cornwall. Then I'm going to wander right back out again!

  9. All seems most exotic to this southerner. Except the chicken poop; we've got some of that.


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