Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The cat approves

Our new duvet cover set arrived today, to replace the one wrecked by our cats worn out after six years. I am really happy with it. 

It was on the bed for 30 seconds before Alex came to check it out. He has to haul himself up the side of our high boxspring and mattress set, because he can't jump that high with his three legs (unlike Emily, who jumped up on our tall chest of drawers last night, over four feet straight up!)  He's not unlike an Everest climber using crampons on an ice sheet. Charming.

"Oooh, hello, what's THIS?"

"Smells new! Should I pee on it?"

"Nah, I'll have a bath instead."

"Oh look, Emily just came in the room."

"All right then. I give it my kitty paw of approval!"

We'll see how long it lasts...


  1. It looks very comfy and purrfect for catnaps :)

    1. We should give up and sleep on the floor...

  2. Yep, turn your back and there will be four cats on there.

  3. Oooh, Alex, the colour looks lovely on you!
    Jane x

    1. I buy everything to match Alex! ;)

  4. Always good to get the seal of approval from the kitties!

    1. Yes, otherwise we'd have to send it back, LOL!

  5. I love your new bedspread. I hope it lasts longer than your previous one did!

    1. Thank you! I highly doubt it will make it to six years. :)

  6. It's beautiful. May you enjoy it for many DAYS (at least). I can't believe your last one held out for 6 years. We haven't had our cats a year and we already need to replace the covers on the sofa and chairs in the living room! The beds? Well, as they say in NYC, fuhgeddaboudit!

    1. Well, I have to say, it looked like caca for the past two years, but it took me a long time to find a new set that I wanted that I figured might withstand cat claws for a while! :)

  7. I can relate - a few years back I got a beautiful satin brocade bed set - soft green - absolutely gorgeous. Now almost completely destroyed by cats who feel the need to scale the side of the bed instead of just jumped on the blanket chest at the foot.

    1. We have a chest at the foot too. I got a cotton duvet cover even though I really wanted a beautiful tapestry-type one! Cats...

  8. He's got that look, "Who do you think owns that bed?"

  9. How, exactly, do you go through a duvet in just six years? Wait a minute, this might involve marital secrets I might never want to know. *Jams fingers in ears* La, la, la, I can't hear you.

    1. DUvet COVER. Duvet COVER. Worn out by CATS.

  10. Every new sheet needs the fur approval of a cat!

  11. It's amazing. Alex and Freddie could be identical twins!!

    1. That classic brown/grey tabby look. Love it!

  12. Lovely sweet baby!

  13. Did Alex give his permission for you to publish a picture of him licking his bum clean?

    A cat has a right to keep some things private you know.

    1. Definitely not, but she who holds the camera also holds the can opener for the cat food!

  14. Your new bedding set is really nice. I used to collect quilts and every one of them is shreded & ripped in the places where elderly cats & fat cats alike have dragged themselves into bed. After years of having fabric covered sofas' and the subsequent covers (intended to hide the sofa underneath that was shredded).I purchased a leather sofa after trying to convince myself that they might not like the texture and stay off of it. it was worth a try since I knew for sure they would ruin another fabric covered sofa in a matter of days. No they never did intentionally claw the leather couch. Instead, they slipped and slid across the ice slick surface, digging in all their claws to try and stop themselves from flying onto the floor. This quickly gave that new sofa an ultra distressed look. I spent a few seconds near tears and then I got real. I would never have show room perfect furnture as long as I chose to have cats in my house. That was the price I would have to pay for all that love, companionship & snarky attitude I received from my cats. Now, I am resigned with the kitty caused damages that happen daily. Not to say I don't curse a blue streak, clap my hands maddly & threaten them with an eternity in kitty hell - I am only human, but I have resigned myself to the situation. I will likely never be one of those lucky cat owners whos' cat rips only their scratching post and never get on furniture or bedding. I had to accept that my cats can smell fresh linens a mile away, that they cannot levitate themselves onto the bed and the night I place a freshly laundered quilt onto the bed will be the night one of them will need to hack up a furbally. Such is life with my cats, but they are worth every bit of it. I hope your lovely new bedding lasts awhile, but if the snags or tears appear - try to look at them as little messages of love from those adorable felines.

    1. I'm keeping their claws trimmed, Ellen! :) THe cats are definitely worth the shredding!! Thank you for stopping by!

  15. It is looking good but I think I know who it really belongs to ;-)

  16. Anonymous10:32 pm

    Oh, the duvet cover is really beautiful. I love the colors! Speaking of Emily thinking about peeing on it, have you seen these cat poems?


    1. That's so funny, I just bought that book for my friend but I have to get a copy for myself, because I haven't had a chance to read it yet!!!

  17. Anonymous10:35 pm

    Oops! My bad. It was Alex who was doing the thinking, not Emily. (Well, maybe she was thinking it too, but I need to pay better attention. Oh, shiny object!....)

    1. Alex and EMily have very similar faces, and if they aren't side by side, you wouldn't have the size issue to help you out either! No worries. I've confused them IN PERSON. :)


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