Last weekend we held
Art Fayre 2010 at the
Glengarry Pioneer Museum in Dunvegan. It went very well, and I enjoyed meeting lots of interesting people from the community. I also sold four of the five rug-hooked wallhangings I had on display, so I was pleased.

All the artists signed a chalkboard, adding their own personal touches! Guess who drew the chicken? :)

We set up the show last Wednesday, and celebrated birthdays at the same time. Ronna was having a milestone birthday (she was fabulous, as always!) and Ross the museum summer student was probably the youngest in the building... sigh! Barb made a delicious chocolate cake.

Fran and Holly did a great job of hanging the artwork!
There were lots of beautiful things to look at and buy. I love
Brian Schofield's turned wood objects:

The gorgeous vase on the left was made up of something like 278 pieces of rescued mahogany!

As always, I was in love with
Ronna Mogelon's painted ceramics.
Gordon bought her juicer:

Speaking of Gordon, he volunteered to help with sales. "I'm from the government. I'm here to help you!"

The Pioneer Museum is a real gem of a place!

My hooked teacup wallhanging prize went home with Greg, one of the locals! Photo by the marvellous Margaret Caldbick.

Holly Kelleher does wonderful work, like this pastel drawing.

Several bikers dropped by for the show and snacks.

Our friends Sue and Willie made the trek from Ottawa and surprised me! It was great to see them, and they came bearing chocolate from a recent trip to Europe. I was forced to share it with Gordon.

And here is
Fran Bailey demonstrating her artistic skills. Among other things, she does exquisite watercolours. Both she and Holly were part of the Art Fayre article in the local paper yesterday!

I love Flip Flockton's humourous paintings! She is great with caricature.

Gee, I wonder who did these? :)

This painting was a joint effort by Barb Glen and Flip Flockton. Love it!

And here's Barb's folksy painted wood fish!

A wall of treasures!

Fran and a young admirer!

Aino Lutter's gorgeous oils.

And Spring, the lovely doggy-girl who welcomed everyone.
Make plans to attend Art Fayre 2011!