Wednesday, May 01, 2013

When the patron compares your pasta to Kraft Dinner....

I found this review on Trip Advisor this morning while looking at restaurants in Quebec City. I happen to think the response from the owner is HILARIOUS!!! Feel free to share. :)


  1. Such a polite knockdown too!
    Jane x

  2. I like the owner's response, too. But, I gotta tell ya... if the patron's taste tends towards Krafts' macaroni and cheese as the epitome of macaroni and know...

  3. Hats off to the owner! If you want a processed meal, he'll provide it:-D

  4. I wonder if they'll keep a box on hand in case they show up? lol

  5. I counted six spelling mistakes in their complaint. Wow!

  6. Hahaha! Will he cook the BOX...or what's inside?

    Kraft is not that bad of a deal. At one point, in my life, I was always so rushed with time; on my own, with two teen-aged boys and doing shift work, as a nurse. Sometimes, I had to use convenience food. Once, the boys solemnly baptised me: "Chef Boyardee." Do you know what? I got a can of Ravioli last week for memory's sake. And I kind of liked it. Even Heinz beans on toasts can be quite palatable with a touch of parsley!

    No! I won't open a Diner....

  7. I have to admit that an M & S (English store) ready-meal Lasagne was the best I've ever eaten; by far! I don't know either this restaurant or Kraft's dinners, but each has a 50% chance of being right.

  8. Comparing upscale restaurant pasta to KRAFT!?

    :: sputters in rage ::

  9. My daughter owns a restaurant that serves good wine and off beat food. At first I thought it was her restaurant until I re-read the opening. She, too, deals with the occasonal flake, although I've seen better texting.

  10. I love the response! From the texter's lousy spelling and grammar, it seems to me that his use of the Kraft mac and cheese dinner as his standard of comparison speaks volumes. Truly, you can't please everybody!

  11. Kraft dinner is pretty darn awesome!

  12. Ha! The owner of that particular restaurant has a really good reputation in the community!! Great response on his part!! Certainly that restaurant does not pretend to be a high end restaurant in any way.


Thank you for all your comments, which I love to read!