Took the girls out for a spin in the flower garden this morning. Every so often, one would catch an earthworm and run around like a... like a... like a chicken with her head cut off, ahem, peeping at the top of her lungs, with the other girls in hot pursuit. Finally the worm would be consumed, if no other chick managed to steal it. These chicks go nuts for moths, worms, mealworms, you name the insect. They are also fanatical about plain yogurt. But mostly they are still eating chick feed.

The two in front were checking out each other's beaks. Or kissing.

All aglow in the sunshine.

"I see you, Chef Nick. I see you, Happy Wombat Boy. I will come to you in your dreams and PECK OUT YOUR EYEBALLS!"

Check out chicky on the far right. She's got a lot of brown in her face, unlike the rest of her black sistahs.

When these two are all grown up, they will be reddish brown all over.

Three weeks old and already so grown up. Wah.
Flower break:

Beautiful crocosimas.

Chick butt with marigold.
They are so cute! NO! YOU CANNOT EAT THEM!!
They are so cute! NO! YOU CANNOT EAT THEM!!