It's looking quite nice around the farm. The soybeans are maturing in the fields and some are already starting to die back and dry out...

We have a spring-fed, natural pond on our property that desperately needs a source of aeration in order to prevent this:

One day we have visions of having a windmill-propelled pump here so that it doesn't get clogged with gunk every summer. That said, the frogs love it. In this pond we have Spring Peepers, Bullfrogs, Leopard frogs, Wood frogs, Mink frogs and Northern Green frogs. (And I found a Tree frog dead on the mesh covering the top of our rainbarrel!) Frog paradise around here (toads, too.) They leap out of my way every day as I walk the cow lane down the middle of our farm all the way to the river. I believe this one is a Northern Green frog...or is it a Mink frog? I have asked my herpetologist buddy for help with the i.d.:

The dogs also love the pond, and they leave the frogs alone:

Here we have the ubiquitous goldenrod, with some bugs on it I haven't yet identified. They remind me of lightning bugs. Anyone? (Click on the photo to enlarge.)

Here is some variety of ladybug on Queen Anne's lace...

And the ever-lovely Monarch butterfly. It was difficult to get closer, because Sophie helpfully ran up and scared the butterfly away:

I think this is a Clouded Sulphur butterfly, with another one of those mystery bugs. This is Joe Pye weed, is it not? I a not good with wildflower i.d. but I'm working on it (thanks for that orchid i.d., HWB!!)

And in the woods, bazillions of mushrooms:

But the dogs were anxious to get down to the river for a swim. These pics were taken last week before Tristan became cowphobic and started refusing to walk in the fields!

Looking back through the back pasture towards the woodlot:

And eeeeeeeeeekkkkk!!! Do you see the leaves turning??!! Lalalala, I can't see you, lalalalallala!

Sophie is enjoying the Beaudette River... is Pincushion. I mean, Tristan...

Nothing like a cooling swim in summer!

Oooh! Hellooo! Is it time to go?

Enjoy your Labour Day weekend!