H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !!For Christmas, the cats got a wonderful catnip-stuffed
orange lizard toy from Auntie Mary and Uncle Paul.

It is now officially the most popular cat toy in the house, and believe me, we have a lot of cat toys! Zoë and Julius share the lizard. Mashka doesn't care about this new creature, but Mashka is not much into playing. Mashka prefers food to all else in life. Interestingly, it is Zoë who is the fat cat. To my eternal shame, she is the one overweight pet in the house (Julius looks big, but it's all fluff. He is one lean, mean, muscular machine.) Zoë has been on a diet. Zoë has been on an exercise regime. The vet and I have all but given up on her. Maybe the orange lizard will be the magic cure! All that killing must burn off SOME calories.
Can I lick it to death?
Can I shake it to death?
“Oh... hello. What, don’t all cats spend their lives on a bath mat?”
Looking DISTURBINGLY like a furry maggot.
“Just practising for my new job with Cirque de soleil!”
“Can I lick it to death?” (Nice pet hair on the floor! And that right after vacuuming!)
“Or maybe I'll just cuddle it into submission!”

Zoë shows off the kill.

The real reason Zoë spends her life in the bathroom: SPACE HEATER!