This year, I thought I would earn daughter-in-law brownie points, and knit my mother-in-law a nice scarf. So I ordered this hand-dyed qiviut blend from a store in Whitehorse called
FolknitsI had never knit lace before, but I thought, what the the heck, it will be a learning experience.
Er, no. It was KNITTING HELL! Quite apart from the fact that I made four billion mistakes (mostly all corrected), I had almost finished the scarf when I realized I had missed a knit row, so that the pattern was on the wrong side for half the scarf! Oh my GOD.
I unpicked the whole thing and re-knit that sucker in ten days. I finished it December 23 and was amazed at myself.
Never again!The yarn is 45% qiviut, 45% wool and 10% silk. Qiviut is made from muskox fur and is about eight times warmer than wool, and incredibly soft. It was LOVERLY to work with. Too bad I had such a hard time with the pattern!
I learned some valuable lessons from this nightmare, I mean, project. They are:
-Do not knit a lace scarf after sundown. You may think your eyes are 16, but they are really 41.
-Do not knit a lace scarf when you are tired. If you are not alert enough to read, you are not alert enough to knit lace.
-Do not knit a lace scarf while allowing your attention to drift towards the rerun of Gilmore Girls on TV.
-Do not knit a lace scarf before you have had breakfast.
-If you are knitting a lace scarf, and have successfully completed a 12-row pattern, and your brain is telling you not to tempt fate by continuing to knit that day,
LISTEN TO YOUR BRAIN!-Do not knit a lace scarf when you are mad at your husband.
-Do not knit a lace scarf when your pets are irritating you by demanding constant attention.
-Knitting a lace scarf will cut ten years off your life. You've been warned.