"Uh oh... now I'm 'possum toast!"
Opposums regularly visit our birdfeeders at night, and I happen to think they are very cute. Our dog Tara thinks they are fun to chase down the yard (but she is only interested in the chase! She doesn't get close enough to them to get bitten.) We have found a 'possum on our feeder several times, and every time he/she does the "FREEZE!" thing, sitting entirely motionless. It's not exactly playing dead, because how can you be dead if you're upright with your eyes wide open? (Okay, well, it works for George Bush. Oh wait, that's not dead, that's BRAIN DEAD!)
So Friday night, my hubby-bubby found 'possum on the feeder, and I decided it was about time to document the event. I felt bad about using flash photography in the pitch dark (I probably blinded the poor thing for a few minutes!), but dang, opossums are so cute. But then, we're speaking of the woman who would like a pet rat.
It was also raining when I took this, so we were all getting quite wet and I was doing my best to shield the camera from the downpour.
Learn more (yes, I keep trying to educate you people about the local wildlife, but I'm not sure if you're paying attention!):