
Thursday, December 22, 2011

More bits and pieces

One of this week's toast creations, courtesy of Gordon!

My friend Judy made me this awesome vine Christmas tree, complete with white lights. I need to get a pic of it at night!

We got this very cool "Fresh eggs from happy chickens" sign from Bainbridge Farm Goods on Etsy. Drill Boy attached it securely to the garage!

Meanwhile, I am not particularly hopeful for a white Christmas. But you never know. Stay tuned!


  1. Is there any animal more dangerous than a man with an electric drill?

    Love the tree - looks like a greenery-free expression of bah-humbug during the day and no doubt morphs into something magical at night.

  2. The sign is great. Snow not so, unless, of course, you get it all. Have a happy Christmas.

  3. Gordon's toast art is so whimsical. I always have peanut butter toast for brekkers too but George doesn't fix it for me.

    I love that vine tree and plan to swipe the concept for next year.

  4. No chance of a white one here. Still here's wishing you a happy Xmas to you both.

  5. Anonymous5:52 pm

    Merry Christmas, Natalie! Here's to another great year of duck tales and chicken antics. :)

  6. Merry Christmas, Sweet Stuff, to you and Drill Boy. You've brightened my year immeasurably.

  7. Owl Wood, YES!! A man with a table saw!!!! And the tree looks magical at night. Must get a pic before it goes into the garage.

    Joanne, welcome and happy new year!

    Fran, do swipe it! And Gordon could George toast lessons. ;)

    Jams, you too.

    TTPT, I have many antics in store for you. Happy new year!

    Nance, thank you. :) Hugs to you.


Thank you for all your comments, which I love to read!