
Friday, June 27, 2014

Auntie Penny comes to visit the little oinkers!

My friend Penny drove up from Vermont yesterday to visit me and the oinkers!

They just love to untie her shoelaces.

But they don't chew through the laces!

Everybody was enjoying the sun yesterday, snoozing or taking dustbaths, In this pic we have a duck, chickens a guinea hen and a piglet for your viewing pleasure.

Tina Turner is coveting the piglets' watermelon rind!

Luther knows how to share!

One of my OSPCA rescue hens with OSPCA rescue piglets! :) Ophelia was found in the same barn as this hen.

Mr. Carol giving me the eye. I am teaching him to be a respectful rooster and he's doing very well! He is an OSPCA rescue too, from the same barn as Ophelia.

Cordelia, blissed out.

The whole piggy family!

Mama trying to get away from it all.

"Feed me, Mama!"


Meanwhile, in the house...

I have a miniature cat in the palm of my hand! Can you imagine if there really were palm-sized cats? As I told my friend Valerie, I'd have 25 of them!!

Happy weekend!


  1. Not only are you good at raising pigs but a good trick photographer as well.

  2. Wouldn't miniature cats be a little like mice?

  3. And a happy weekend to you, too. Ours is little bit difficult, since my brother passed away and we are of to the funeral in Bielefeld on Tuesday.

  4. I agree with Magnon. And that's why a big, pudgy cat is so satisfying to cuddle!

    1. Plus I'd squish mouse-sized cats on my bed when I rolled over in the night!

  5. Palm sized cats? Could you imagine the places they could hide!
    Jane x

  6. My cat would intone "There she goes again" and turn his back.

    1. Cats do share a certain attitude towards humans, don't they?

  7. Looks like everyone is enjoying their summer days ! Lovely photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good long weekend and Happy Canada Day !

  8. Reading your posts, I think it must be a lot of fun to have pigs around (they are so much like us!).

  9. You really are a hoot. My Ontario family is coming to BC tomorrow. They would all love to see your farm too, but we are going spelunking.

  10. Anonymous8:21 am

    Happy Days in the Pig Pen.

  11. Talk about barnyard bliss. I know I've said it before but if I die and come back as a chicken, I'm coming to your house.

  12. One of the cats in the FIV+ building at the no kill shelter likes to use my leather athletic shoes for scratching. Shoe strings, I can understand. That's a bunch of happy critters...I'm sure your friend enjoyed her time there.

  13. It's so satisfying to watch animals lying in the sunshine. Because of you, they are doing that instead of being cooped up in pens or cages.


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