
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Ducklings, a new generation!

Well, the co-parenting mamas hatched out five ducklings Monday night!  I've been slow about getting everyone moved into the "duck nursery."  Yesterday I went down to check on them and all the ducklings had disappeared. I freaked out until I realized that Eugenia (left) and Maria Andretti (right) had just taken the babies outside for a walk...

Two watchful mothers! Eugenia is the one who was attacked by a fox this spring. The fox broke her leg, but I splinted it, it healed, and she's a mama again. Maria Andretti is her daughter from last summer. I named her "Mario Andretti" when she was young, because she had racing stripes on her head. Then I realized she was a girl, so Maria it is! A very nice name. :)

A little grooming session in the sun.

The little family is adorable but now I've got two mama ducks who want to kill me. They aren't laid back like Mama Ronna-duck, and I have the beak imprint on my forearm to prove it! I liked the brown one on the right with four yellow spots on his/her back.

Maria wants me dead.

Meanwhile, the other five ducklings are now huge, but Mama Ronna still hangs out with them. They are two months old now.

Ronna's a much better mama than Emma the Muff-hen, who has abandoned her babies and left them to their own devices. She went off and made another nest in the barn, but we took away the eggs, because   we do not need 800 chickens. Her chicks are doing very well. They are amazingly self-sufficient.

This is Ducky Duddle, the first to hatch back in May

We have had a little duckling cannibalism, but not as bad as last year. Still, they do love to nibble on each others' wingtip pinfeathers. Sigh.

Jim, who I named after my Dad, is looking fine!

I'm pretty sure these are girls, but time will tell. I've been wrong before, which is why I have a rooster named Lord Gaga. He was Lady Gaga until he crowed!

And Tristan wants some air time. We had a nice walk yesterday and he took a dip in the pond, which he loves...

Stay tuned for further duckling cuteness!


  1. Squeeeee! I love these photos of new baby animals.

    1. I'll keep 'em coming! I have a very squeeworthy blog this summer, methinks!

  2. I can't believe that is two months growth. Wow! They have very interesting eyes..very captivating. Is this normal that mother ducks would hate you or are they just bad ducks.

    1. I think they're actually better mothers. They are very protective of their babies. Ronna was more laid-back. Or perhaps Ronna was just SMARTER and realized I was not out to kill her children!! :)

  3. Is there hope after all for me? I mean, you know, is it not really to much work for you to look after all these ducks? Sometimes you have to think about yourself and not get lost in all the cuteness. I am just trying to be helpful here!!!!!!!

  4. It's interesting that the ducks have distinctive patterns so you can name them.
    Not only that, but distinctive personalities. Who would have thought? I loved the photo titled, "Marie wants me dead"!

    1. They can be very different from each other, even when they're little! :)

  5. They are all so beautiful!

    1. Thanks Vicki, not that I have any responsibility for that! ;)

  6. What a super cute moments!

    1. I need to get lots more photos before they grow up!

  7. Thanks so much for the duckling fix! I can't beleive how much the older generation has grown!.... and they have blue eyes!
    I wish you many many many more to come :)

    1. Their eyes are surprisingly pretty, aren't they?

  8. Your ducks are beautiful! You have a lot of ducks now!

    I have a rooster named Muffin. He's a great rooster, despite the name Muffin. I thought it was a female when he was a chick. My mistake!

    1. 21 ducks and THAT'S ENOUGH!!! :)

      I remember Muffin! He's a very handsome boy.


Thank you for all your comments, which I love to read!