
Friday, July 23, 2010

La poule

The latest addition to my Etsy shop: La poule (that's French for "hen"!)

The bright colours in her tail come from dye made from Kool-Aid (TM). Amazing to think people drink that stuff!

The wool smelled fruity for quite some time after I dyed it!

She puts other chickens to shame with her good looks and style!

Pastel-coloured eggs, perfect for any occasion!


  1. How cute is she?!! I love her bright colours and super personality. Thanks for sharing.

  2. And her eggs are red, white and blue. How patriotic! If you're French. Or American. Or Australian. Or Slovenian.......

    Wait, are you sure that La Poule isn't French for The Swimming Hole?

  3. ahahaha! I am glad to see that you are still creating your lovely rugs... It is a goal of mine, to eventually buy one of your hooked rugs to hang on my wall.

    Probably early September, in between buying rose shrubs for the new garden and the 'beginning of Christmas shopping'.... btw love (!) your blog.

  4. You're so amazing! I can't believe those colors came from koolaid. What a great way to use it. I love your rug.

  5. Darling chickie! I love the kool-Aid colors. A work of art!

  6. Glad you like her, Michele.

    Everybody into the poule, HWB!

    Thanks Darlene... I have a backlog of ideas for things to hook.

    Thanks Genny -- you can dye knitting yarn with Kool-Aid too!

    Thanks to you too, Callie. :)

  7. How did you figure out that you could dye stuff with Kool Aid?

    BTW This POULETTE is une beauté!

  8. Thank you Hoot-a-Toot, et merci Elisabeth! Somebody TOLD me about Kool-Aid dyeing.:) I didn't figure it out on my own. It's really easy and you set the dye with white vinegar.

  9. Your latest rug is beautiful. What a talent you have :)

  10. Thank you Paula! And I sold it on Etsy the day after it listed. hooray!


Thank you for all your comments, which I love to read!